Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Google Fam"~ COM125: Assignment #8

Web applications can run our lives. They’re an amazing way of indulging yourself into a program that allows you to express yourself, as well as contact others. Wikipedia defines web applications as “an application that is accessed via web over a network such as the Internet or an intranet.”

A web application that I am involved with on daily basis is Google Groups. Google group is a free application on Google that allows people to have discussions based on their common interests. It can be literally be about ANYTHING. There can be discussion groups on this site, or threaded messages.

Last year when I first transferred to UB it was difficult to keep in touch with the members of my family, just because there are so many of us. Not only are we large in number, but we all have a lot going on in our lives that no one ever has the time to pick up the phone to say hello. I came to UB to take up a Communication degree on top of a Management degree that I have from Baruch College in NYC. I have a cousin in Law School at UB as well, so we both figured that we needed to find a way to keep in touch with our family back in LI and NYC. My boyfriend Kenny and his family were involved in a “family website” online, and I thought that was a great idea!

As I ventured on to Kenny’s family website, I started to get excited because I knew that this was the answer that my cousin and I were looking for. I figured that all we had to do was create a family website and email my family, and notify them to get involved.

After some research, my cousin and I decided to use Google Groups to form our family website. At first we thought that it would be difficult to do, but it ended up being quite easy. On top of its easiness, it was free.
The first thing we did on this website was to invite all our family members. As soon as everyone joined, we left it up to them to post whatever they wanted. It became a free forum of ideas. There was so much going on with our family that every day there was a different post, picture, message, etc. Not only were my cousin and I stuck at UB working hard, but two of our cousins both had twin girls, 3 months apart; and another cousin who got engaged. This website became the perfect opportunity for us all to keep in touch.

When I first moved to Buffalo, I was extremely depressed because I felt as though I was missing out on so much that was going on with my family back in LI and NYC. I had no clue as to how I was going to keep in touch with everyone, which made me really unhappy. Thanks to Kenny, my cousin and I were able to research and create a family website of our own.

We based the whole website on the new baby girls in our family. Since there was four of them, we figured that we would make them the center of our attention. When do you ever see two sets of baby girl twins born three months apart? To my family, it was amazing. I never even knew I had these genes.

To be honest, I am thankful to the geniuses who created web applications. Without them, I don’t think I could keep in touch with my family as much as I do. There is so much going on in all our lives, that it’s nice to be able to share it with the ones that we love. Buffalo may not seem that far from LI and NYC, but just the thought of being so far away from all that is happening there makes me uneasy. It’s nice to be able to access my Google Group to catch me up.
Here is our site's main design and feature!

Jenna & Jordan

Sam & Alex



Jamie said...


Ari said...

that's ill that you connect with you family online! I don't even know if my cousins use any online community stuff